Why You Should Start a Data Science Blog

Blogging Improves Your Skills, Builds Your Reputation, and Is a Small Business

Peter Grant
5 min readApr 2, 2022
Image credit: kaboompics on pixabay

Most professionals are laser-focused on furthering their career, and are looking for different actions they can take to either earn that big promotion or build a side business for themselves. I’ve come to the conclusion that one of the best things to do is start a blog, and I think all data scientists should seriously consider it. The main three reasons for that statement are that blogging:

  • Improves your skills,
  • Builds your network and reputation, and
  • Is a small business.

Here’s my rationale for each of those reasons.

Improves Your Skills

Writing an article teaching people a new skill requires that you be extremely knowledgeable about that topic. As you write an article you find that you need to explain details you had never thought about before. You discover that teaching a skill requires a deeper level of knowledge than you’ve ever had before. As a result, you’ll learn more about the topic to fill in those knowledge gaps. Thus blogging drives you to know the subject better than you ever did before.



Peter Grant

Water heating team leader at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Manages teams of 15+ people on multi-million dollar projects developing novel technologies.